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Botny Shining Black Wax

1. A road to jade-like smooth and beautiful painted surface. The key point is cleaning dirst and stains.                                                       
2. Oxidation is a killer to car paints casuing the painted surface dry, dark and aged.
The unique anti-oxidation agent moistens car paints, restore shining brightness.
3. Under the influence of bad weather, car paints are easy to color fade caused by oxidation.  


1. A road to jade-like smooth and beautiful painted surface. The key point is cleaning dirst and stains.                                                       
2. Oxidation is a killer to car paints casuing the painted surface dry, dark and aged.
The unique anti-oxidation agent moistens car paints, restore shining brightness.
3. Under the influence of bad weather, car paints are easy to color fade caused by oxidation.  

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