

Your position is:Products>>Botny>>BotnyFormaldehyde Scavenger
BotnyFormaldehyde Scavenger

Contain special modified substance, thoroughly catalyze formaldehyde and irritative odor ( eliminate dissociative formaldehyde in the air within 10 mins; and in plates within 50mins ).
Free of any organic solvent , prevent secondary pollution.
Convenient for Use: Just brush and spray it onto the desired surface or spray it onto the air.
Fresh and favorable fragrance.


Contain special modified substance, thoroughly catalyze formaldehyde and irritative odor ( eliminate dissociative formaldehyde in the air within 10 mins; and in plates within 50mins ).
Free of any organic solvent , prevent secondary pollution.
Convenient for Use: Just brush and spray it onto the desired surface or spray it onto the air.
Fresh and favorable fragrance.

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