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Botny Galvanized Aerosol Paint

The product is top grade anti-corrosive aerosol paint.
Can achieve cold galvanization effect in place.
No need the complex and expensive palting process.
Aslo can provide the electrode and shielded protection thus acheven the long-term rest prevetned performance like the real plating
The main effect is protect the iron become rust.
Protect galvanized layer or repaired the damanged part and it aslo can use as anti-corrosive primer.


The product is top grade anti-corrosive aerosol paint.
Can achieve cold galvanization effect in place.
No need the complex and expensive palting process.
Aslo can provide the electrode and shielded protection thus acheven the long-term rest prevetned performance like the real plating
The main effect is protect the iron become rust.
Protect galvanized layer or repaired the damanged part and it aslo can use as anti-corrosive primer.

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