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Botny Windshield Glass Concentrated Liquid

This product is used in automobile windshield (windshield, flooring and interior mirror) mirror and the daily cleaning of all kinds of glass products.
Auto glass on the road, in addition to the dust, including insects, sludge, asphalt, salt, tree, plastic glue, fingerprints, lampblack volatiles and so on.
When washing the car, the most difficult to clean glass and automobile glass surface with a layer of special glass membrane, many cleaner of the glass membrane is damaged.
This stained glass special formula can be effective and safe cleaning all kind of dirt on the glass.
Leave no water mark, easy to use.


This product is used in automobile windshield (windshield, flooring and interior mirror) mirror and the daily cleaning of all kinds of glass products.
Auto glass on the road, in addition to the dust, including insects, sludge, asphalt, salt, tree, plastic glue, fingerprints, lampblack volatiles and so on.
When washing the car, the most difficult to clean glass and automobile glass surface with a layer of special glass membrane, many cleaner of the glass membrane is damaged.
This stained glass special formula can be effective and safe cleaning all kind of dirt on the glass.
Leave no water mark, easy to use.

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