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Botny Manual Transmission Protecting Agent

This product is specially designed for gear lubrication protective agent.
Automatic polymerization on the surface of the friction pair of gear that wear serious.
Have the effect of anti-wear antifriction, cooling and noise reduction.
1. Reduce the transmission parts of wear and tear, lower work noise, clean the surface of parts, maintain stability of the power transmission.
2. In the transmission of metal contact HuoDongMian tough protective film formation, reduce friction power loss, reduce the fault.
3. Prevent transmission of seal hard aging, keep the gearbox for tightness.
4. To avoid the collapse of the repair and prolong the life of a manual transmission.


This product is specially designed for gear lubrication protective agent.
Automatic polymerization on the surface of the friction pair of gear that wear serious.
Have the effect of anti-wear antifriction, cooling and noise reduction.
1. Reduce the transmission parts of wear and tear, lower work noise, clean the surface of parts, maintain stability of the power transmission.
2. In the transmission of metal contact HuoDongMian tough protective film formation, reduce friction power loss, reduce the fault.
3. Prevent transmission of seal hard aging, keep the gearbox for tightness.
4. To avoid the collapse of the repair and prolong the life of a manual transmission.

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