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Etoman Oil System Cleaner&Conditioner

This product can effectively get rid of the deleterious greasy mud, built-up carton,colloidal subatance and other deposits in the engine.
It can clean the valve tapet and rocker arm of the engine,reduce friction,enhance the sealing perfotmance,reduce fuel consumption,restore the elasticity of the piston ring,let the engine oil drainedmore thotoughly,reduce the contamination to the new engina oil and ptolong the lifetime of the engine.it is suitable for gasoline and diesel oil-used engines.


This product can effectively get rid of the deleterious greasy mud, built-up carton,colloidal subatance and other deposits in the engine.
It can clean the valve tapet and rocker arm of the engine,reduce friction,enhance the sealing perfotmance,reduce fuel consumption,restore the elasticity of the piston ring,let the engine oil drainedmore thotoughly,reduce the contamination to the new engina oil and ptolong the lifetime of the engine.it is suitable for gasoline and diesel oil-used engines.

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